General Dentistry

Oral health through diagnosis, treatment and preventative strategies.

Oral health through diagnosis, treatment and preventative strategies.

General Dentistry


A professional teeth cleaning removes plaque, tartar, and superficial stains to help you keep your teeth cleaner, healthier, and shinier. Regular dental cleanings are important even if you follow all recommendations regarding at-home dental hygiene. Dr. Randy Lozada, our Santa Clarita dental cleaning expert, can help you decide on the right cleaning schedule for your smile.

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Teeth cleaning is recommended for anyone. It can be easy to miss small plaque deposits in hard-to-reach areas, so regular professional cleanings are critical. Most people should visit us about twice a year for professional cleanings.

  1. During your dental cleaning, Dr. Lozada start by checking all the hard-to-see area in your mouth. We will look at your teeth for tartar, plaque, and signs of decay and your gums for irritation, swelling, or bleeding.
  2. Then we will use special tools to remove tartar buildup, and another tool to remove smaller deposits and smooth the surface of the tooth.
  3. Once each tooth has been cleaned, Dr. Lozada will polish the teeth using a special gritty toothpaste, and a hand piece with a cup-shaped tip to maximize contact between the toothpaste and the tooth.
  4. Dr. Lozada will explain his findings at the conclusion of your appointment and may make specific recommendations for a treatment plan if there are any areas of concern. Routine cleanings should not be uncomfortable or painful. If you experience any discomfort or sensitivity, let us know. We can take steps to reduce your discomfort or identify the source of the problem.

After the cleaning, you may also benefit from a fluoride application depending on your specific risk factors and needs.

Dental Extraction

Your natural teeth are made to last, and it is our priority to help preserve them whenever possible. Their purpose is to bite and chew, and they work to maintain your jawbone and facial structure. However, sometimes teeth can be damaged or decayed so badly that they cannot be preserved, and extraction is necessary to preserve other teeth. Dr. Lozada, Santa Clarita dental extraction dentist, can help you decide if an extraction is right for you.

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  • A badly damaged tooth
  • A severely decayed tooth
  • A tooth that is crowding other teeth or interfering
  • with orthodontic treatment plans
  • A severely infected tooth that cannot be treated
  • with endodontic therapy
  • An impacted wisdom tooth
  • Periodontal disease that has loosened teeth
  1. Before your extraction, Dr. Lozada, expert in dental extraction in Santa Clarita, will plan your treatment using dental X-rays and other images. This enables us to see the roots, nerves, and other structures that are not clearly visible to the unaided eye.
  2. Next, we will use a local anaesthetic, which will numb your mouth. This will ensure you remain comfortable during the procedure.
  3. Once the tooth has been removed, Dr. Lozada, Santa Clarita dental extraction dentist, may stitch the extraction site or place gauze over the area to reduce bleeding and help a clot form. This clot needs to stay in place to help the extraction site heal.

Avoid using a straw, smoking, or doing anything that could dislodge the clot. Dr. Lozada, expert in dental extraction in Santa Clarita, will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions and may prescribe medication to promote healing.

Good dental hygiene is especially important in the days following the extraction. It will help reduce the risk of infection and get rid of the bad taste and breath that are so common after this type of procedure.

Call us today to learn more or to schedule your consultation with Dr. Lozada, dentist in Santa Clarita

Root Canal

A painfully throbbing tooth can be a sign that you need a root canal. Root canal therapy is a treatment designed to eliminate infection inside the tooth so that the tooth can continue to function. The treatment is typically done using local anaesthesia. Although sedation may be available for patients with anxiety.

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  • Tooth or jaw pain
  • Swelling around the affected tooth
  • Discoloration of the tooth or gums
  • Infection in the tooth
  • An abscessed tooth
  • A badly damaged or decayed tooth
  1. Dr Lozada, Santa Clarita root canal dentist will begin by isolating the tooth to keep it clean and dry.
  2. Next, he will create an access point in the tooth to enable him to remove the diseased tissues from the root canals, or the hollow chambers inside the tooth.
  3. Each root canal is carefully cleaned and shaped. Once the infection and diseased tissues have been removed from the canals, the area sealed using a special material to prevent contamination and infection.
  4. Dr Lozada, expert in root canal in Santa Clarita, will typically restore the tooth using a porcelain crown. This ensures a durable, long-lasting restoration that keeps the tooth looking beautiful and feeling strong and healthy.

A root canal is usually no more uncomfortable than a dental filling procedure. However, some patients may have lingering tenderness if the infection that necessitated the treatment was particularly severe. This is due to the inflammation and should subside as the inflammation resolves.

Pediatric Dentistry

Early check-ups help us spot problems before they can cause serious trouble, and even give us a chance to prevent them. They also give us the opportunity to help teach your child proper dental habits right from the start, especially during those cavity-prone years.

Primary teeth are critical for your child’s proper development. They allow for proper biting and chewing, which ensures a healthy, balanced diet. They also aid proper speech. Furthermore, the primary teeth serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth, which ensure they erupt correctly. If those primary teeth become damaged or are lost too early, the permanent teeth may erupt into the wrong places, causing improper alignment, crooked teeth, or crowding which necessitates orthodontic treatment. Dr. Lozada, paediatric dentist, works with parents to develop proper dental hygiene routines for children at all stages of life.

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Kids twelve months of age ++

Clean your baby’s mouth using a damp washcloth after each feeding. This removes plaque and helps your baby get used to the feeling of having their mouth cleaned.

Once her teeth have erupted, begin using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste to brush the teeth after meals. Do not put them to bed with a bottle, which allows liquids to pool around her teeth and can lead to baby bottle rot. Once your child is old enough to brush their own teeth, monitor them until they have established good dental habits. We may recommend specific products or techniques that can help your child stay on track.

Gum Problem

Gum disease also known as Periodontal is an infection of gums and bone support that holds your teeth in place. This is usually caused by a build up of bacteria on the teeth due to poor flossing habits and brushing technique. In more serious cases, gum disease can lead to swollen gums, painful chewing problem and tooth loss.

The goal of the treatment for gum disease is to control the infection. Types of treatments will vary depending on your case.

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  1. Bleeding or swollen gums
  2. Sensitive teeth
  3. Receeding gums
  4. Painful chewing
  5. Loose teeth
  • Proper brushing of your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Regular flossing to remove plaque in between your teeth
  • Avoid / quit smoking
  • Visit your dentist regularly for a check-up and professional cleaning