Sleep Apnea and TMJ

We offer Sleep Apnea treatment to treat patients having interrupted sleeping pattern.

We offer Sleep Apnea treatment to treat patients having interrupted sleeping pattern.

Sleep Apnea and TMJ

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea affects millions of Americans. This common but serious disorder causes your breathing to stop while you are sleeping, which can lead to loud snoring, gasping, and choking. Your brain and body are deprived of the oxygen they need, and your brain wakes you up so that you can begin breathing again. This can happen dozens of times a night, keeping you from getting restful sleep and stressing your cardiovascular system. Dr. Lozada, Santa Clarita sleep apnea dentist, can help.

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  • Patients who are observed with loud snoring, gasping, and choking
  • Patients with diagnosed high-blood pressure
  • Family history of Sleep Apnea

Oral appliances are a first-line treatment option for patients with mild-to-moderate sleep apnea, and can be an option for patients with more serious sleep apnea symptoms who cannot tolerate CPAP therapy. These appliances are custom-fit and designed to stabilize the airway so that you can get the sleep you need. Most patients adapt quickly and find that they are able to get more quality sleep.

We may recommend further testing if you believe that you are suffering from the disorder. An accurate diagnosis is the first step towards getting the relief you need.

TMJ Treatment

TMJ is a disorder related to your teeth and alignment of your bite. Some people who have experienced TMJ disorders experienced:

  • Headache or facial pain
  • Locking of the jaw
  • Difficulty in chewing and uncomfortable bite
  • Ear pain and decreased hearing

At Pinnacle Peak Dental Centre, we can treat with all of these symptoms that can impact your quality of life. Book your appointment with Dr. Randy Lozada to get checked!

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Patients who experience

  • lock jaw
  • clicking or popping sound in jaws when you chew
  • teeth grinding
  • suffer from facial pain – in or around the ear